Firmness Guide

Juliet & Martin's toy store offers soft, medium and hard as the firmness options for the dildos. Choosing one of these options means that the entire toy will be cast in a single uniform hardness. Here is some general information about the hardness options we offer:
"Soft" (hardness 5) is the most flexible hardness level we offer. It compresses and bends easily, but this hardness is difficult to keep upright on larger toys with thinner shafts.
"Medium" (hardness 7) is more difficult to compress than hardness 5. It does not bend as much and is more stable on most models than soft models. However, this hardness is difficult to keep upright on some larger toys with base designs that are not as heavy as the head. However, most models are relatively stable.
"Hard" (hardness 9) is the highest hardness level we offer and is very difficult to compress. It bends very little and is easier to keep upright.

Due to manufacturing limitations, we cannot make toys with different hardness areas (such as a head of level 9, a shaft of level 7, and a base of level 5). We also cannot make toys that are hard on the outside but soft on the inside, with different hardness areas.

Also, the larger the toy, the harder it feels. If the toy is smaller, the feel is softer. To a large extent, we cannot judge which hardness is best for you, it depends on your preference when using the product.
If you have other questions about our hardness options, please feel free to contact us.